
If you need to contact me about your purchase (or potential purchase):
  1. Send a notecard in Second Life to Lilah Munster - This is the best way to contact me if I'm offline.  Please include your full avatar name (so I know who to respond to), the date, and the transaction number and/or Marketplace invoice (if it's about a delivery failure).  And, please, please, please, for the love of Ruth, rename it something other than "New Note".  My IMs cap daily, some days more so than others, so if I haven't responded within 24 hours, feel free to send the NC again.
  2. IM me in-world - This works, if I'm online, but please understand that I may be AFK or busy, and not answer you immediately.  Bear with me there.
  3. Mail drop at the Main Store - If SL is really hosed and nothing else seems to be going through.  This shouldn't be your first choice, sending a NC or IM will get a much faster response.  Main store location:  (The mail box is located just to the right of the main gate.)